Domaine du Grand Estagel 30800 Saint-Gilles – France
- +33 (0)4 66 75 12 05
- [email protected]
Its crop :
Temporary culture of fast growing plants, it helps to protect the plots between two sale cultures, maximizing the profitability of surfaces.It produces a significant biomass and provides a good ground cover, acting as a nitrates-trap remaining after previous sales culture. One of the least expensive way to achieve the requirements of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) regarding the obligation of vegetation fields during winter.
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Another important interest: the fight against weeds. Its rapid establishment as “green manure” prevents development of weeds and limit the use of herbicides.Forage quality and nutritional value:
Feed mainly used in feeding horses: palatable, providing cellulose digestibility and transit regulator, oats contain a large amount of beta-glucan valuable nutrients : dietary fiber, protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
It can be grown in a mixture with a legume, which improves its protein content.
Race horses, Sport horses, Broodmares and Foals
Cattle, Sheep, Goats
Camel and dromedary