Our hay selections satisfy many breeders with whom we have been working for several years. Like them, rediscover the pleasure and quality of these forages and bring excellence to the heart of your farms.
We are committed to guaranteeing a supply for our customers that offers quantity, safety and qualityat the best price. We also strive to help sectors affected or involved in hay consumption to maintain their livelihood and continue their activity.
Regional and even national production couldn’t offer these guarantees. From our experience on the market and through our more comprehensive, international vision in the face of the future of forage, we decided to invest with Douliere Hay France in a sustainable, industrial, and ecological development program.
The project gives all local and national producers of quality fodder access to the worldwide market, making them exporters of their own products. We thus bring added value to other French and European producers through our production plant, the only one of its kind in France.
If nothing else, this program presents considerable assets in terms of sustainable development offered by meadow cultivation: it contributes to the development, promotion, and identity of the areas, while providing goods and improving ecosystems.
It acts as a true compensation measure for environmental impacts. Meadow cultivation contributes to the region’s cultural heritage and tourism, and to the life of its agricultural economy. It creates and maintains employment.
The challenges of promoting and facilitating the implementation of this type cultivation also involves the active participation of public authorities, regional parks and associations, and offices responsible for the application of compensation measures for environmental impacts.
From work in the field with local hay producers to the final the consumers, this project represents a chain of shared interests and synergies with the final goal of offering “the best hays” on the market while accounting for the economic, social, and environmental interests of each of the actors in the chain . The program is about producing and consuming better, higher quality products,more easily.
Controlled cultivation for the commercialization of high quality hay, responding to market demand thanks to our selection, calibration and packaging plant is the solution for forage production in France.
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