Domaine du Grand Estagel 30800 Saint-Gilles – France

Oat Hay for Cattle, Sheep and Goats


Cultivation :
Temporary culture of fast growing plants, it helps to protect the plots between two sale cultures, maximizing the profitability of surfaces.
It produces a significant biomass and provides a good ground cover, acting as a nitrates-trap remaining after previous sales culture. One of the least expensive way to achieve the requirements of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) regarding the obligation of vegetation fields during winter.

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Another important interest: the fight against weeds. Its rapid establishment as “green manure” prevents development of weeds and limit the use of herbicides.

It plays a role in maintaining the biodiversity: Allows the soil to get well aerated through its root system. This unpacking improves microbial life of soil fauna. Growing oats surfaces also allows the bees to use the pollen produced by these plants as a nutrient.

Control :
At each stage, from production to storage, are practiced hydrometric controls. The lots that do not meet quality criteria are listed and downgraded. A sampling is carried out on each batch and analyzed by a certified laboratory. These data guarantee the accuracy of your rations. Nutritives properties :
Forage used mainly in the feeding of equines, cattle, sheep and goats :palatable, providing cellulose digestibility and transit regulator, oats contain a large amount of beta-glucan valuable nutrients : dietary fiber, protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It can be grown in a mixture with a legume, which improves its protein content. It can be grown in a mixture with a legume, which improves its protein content

11 to 13 %  protein

Packaging :
Bale CHC of 50x40x30 cm for 22 kg
Bale CHC of 40x45x50 cm for 32 kg
On palet of 24 to 48 bales, delivery by truck 27 t or contener 40″ to 27 tons. Advantages : Space savings  and storage by two. Space savings  and storage by two. Nutrient preservation guarantee : compression reduces hay oxidation by expelling the air. Ease of distribution : 2 to 3 kg of oat hay/day in 2 meals. Better digestion: the compacted slices require smaller bites and increased salivation, which promotes slower digestive transit. Feeling of grazing recovered.